Engelse vertalingen

Onder de titel ‘Songs of faith’ zijn 38 gedichten van Willem de Mérode vertaald naar het Engels. De vertaling is uitgevoerd door 38 gedichten, Hans Osinga ».

Vertaling ‘O hart’ uit: De Steile Tocht (1924-1928)


Oh heart which hungers for God’s loving,
but listens when the world is laughing
and feels enraptured, as in ecstasy,
when it is making merry in frivolity,

dare you exchange your mind’s tranquillity
for this whole worthless, worldly fancy
fair, this oh so short and low delight?
“But where can I hide?”

Then close your wanton eyes;
be God-fearing and wise,
if from its golden shine you will not be deceived.

Before your helplessness has won Him,
with prayer of cry has conquered Him,
his everlasting lovingkindness you’ll receive.
handtekening Willem de Mérode

Categorieën: Engels

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