Engelse vertalingen

Onder de titel ‘Songs of faith’ zijn 38 gedichten van Willem de Mérode vertaald naar het Engels. De vertaling is uitgevoerd door 38 gedichten, Hans Osinga ».

Vertaling ‘Oogst’ uit: Nalezing VIII (1929-1932), geschreven op 31 juli 1931


In drawers, blue en red,
naked their chests up to their bands
stand, sunburnt, wet with sweat,
the movers on the ripened lands.

They do not know of hour or time,
speak little, while they drink a load.
Stung by the hornet of relentless time,
the urge to work has seized them at the throat.

And what the mowers have shorn down,
and what the mowers have torn down,
falls to the violent hands of womanhood.

They’re working like their fellows taciturn,
without a standstill or return,
leaving behind them burnt their maidenhood.
handtekening Willem de Mérode

Categorieën: Engels

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