Engelse vertalingen

Onder de titel ‘Songs of faith’ zijn 38 gedichten van Willem de Mérode vertaald naar het Engels. De vertaling is uitgevoerd door 38 gedichten, Hans Osinga ».

Vertaling ‘Frieslands vlakten’ uit: Nalezing VI, Verzamelde Gedichten, geschreven op 10 mei 1925


Oh God, how beautiful Your stretches are;
the birds are sailing over them; the foaming
of the ships I watch through the mirroring,
spacious broads; the bashful windflower
ventures to open in the shelter of spring;
the goldilocks are rankly growing
as well as ruddy sorrel; the yellow, humming
bumble-bees are droning round the shrubs, shady and sheltering.

And here and yonder, on the deep-blue sky,
lean, greyish glory, churches of the times gone by;
above them sparkle golden steeple-cocks.
Oh God, how does Your stiff wind rise here freely;
also the gaiety of a peasant-boy, who’s laughing loudly;
it’s winging through the air like migrant swans.
handtekening Willem de Mérode

Categorieën: Engels

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