Engelse vertalingen

Onder de titel ‘Songs of faith’ zijn 38 gedichten van Willem de Mérode vertaald naar het Engels. De vertaling is uitgevoerd door 38 gedichten, Hans Osinga ».

Vertaling ‘Bij het Kruis’ uit: De Steile Tocht (1924-1928), geschreven op 10 juli 1926


Clamans voce magna
Thou criest, but who dares to cry to Thee,
oh Majesty, hung on the Cross so stark?
I’m standing in the midst of troops; it’s getting dark.
The mob is bawling passionately:
the Pharisees, blazing about
the words of God and Moses in their mouths;
the scum, disturbing with their shouts
Thy dying, wert Thou but a dog cast out.
Who cries to Thee in Thy torn garb, besmeared with mud,
though an exalted glow from Thy face is still shining,
wound-covered King,
King full of blood?

Afraid, now that the night is falling
and no one sees how much Thy dying
has moved me, I repeat Thy crying:
“ God, don’t forget me!”, I am calling,
“ Hearst Thou me? Canst Thou in Thy suff’ring, Lord,
still pay attention to what I desire? “
Thou partest clouds with power divine
and sayest patiently: “Behold Thy Lord!
See unafeared My crimson cuts,
My face’s deadly glow, with smart pain twisting.
Your wound-covered King,
your King full of blood! “

I see Thee, Lord; let them grab me,
abuse me, beat me as Thy votary
and howling pinch me with the smart cords painfully
and drag me till I stand there, next to Thee.
Sharply the gad-fly stings the horses and the swine,
to fill itself with sweetest blood,
and grapes, so juicy and aglow, are trod
to pieces, till they yield exquisite wine.
The sooner death will part me from all worldly good,
the sooner I shall meet Thee, hear Thy angels sing,
wound-covered King,
King full of blood!

Alas, I am not mocked and spat on;
the rabble, drunken with mad hate,
is spitting fire at Thee and won’t abate,
is raving rabidly before the Cross Thou hangst on.
Thy head droops and Thou faintst away;
I see Thy slim limbs stiffening…
I hear the brass horns flourishing;
soldiers, spectators flock away.
And in this silent moment do I leave the ways I trod,
am coming close to Thy eternal place of resting,
wound-covered King,
King full of blood.

Oh comfort issuing from Thy great rest
and spreading through the inmost of our panting selves.
The rushing of our senses Thy Crucifixion helps’
to still; Thy Resurrection kills our deepest grief and gives us rest.
Thou hast, a book with seven seals,
closed our old lives once and for all.
And once, in Heaven, Thou shalt call
Thy sheep together, Healer from delusions amidst healed.
So bound together, I for ever trust to Thee my lot;
Thou kindlest in my heart a fire for Heaven, strongly glowing,
wound-covered King,
King full of blood!
handtekening Willem de Mérode

Houtsnede, geïnspireerd op het vers ‘Bij het Kruis’ van Willem de Mérode, verschenen als bijlage bij Opwaartsche Wegen van april 1927 (jrg. v, nr. 2). Door Dirk Boode.

Houtsnede, geïnspireerd op het vers ‘Bij het Kruis’ van Willem de Mérode, verschenen als bijlage bij Opwaartsche Wegen van april 1927 (jrg. v, nr. 2). Door Dirk Boode

Houtsnede, geïnspireerd op het vers ‘Bij het Kruis’ van Willem de Mérode, verschenen als bijlage bij Opwaartsche Wegen van april 1927 (jrg. v, nr. 2). Door Dirk Boode

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